Support Hub

User Management

The User Management dashboard enables you to invite, update and revoke user accounts within your organisation.

In this article, we explain how to access the User Management settings and how to share evaluations with other users in your organisation. To learn more about evaluation sharing permissions, click here.

You can find the User Management page in the Settings. You can access settings via the menu on the top right corner of the platform. In the left-hand column, you will find ‘Workspace’ and ‘Users’ sitting beneath it. Selecting ‘Users’ takes you to the User Management page. Here you view, add, remove and update user permissions for your organisation.

A screenshot showing how to access the User Management Workspace in the Culture Counts Evaluation Platform
Accessing the User Management workspace

The panel shows the number of ‘seats’ available to you. Standard subscriptions have an allocation of three Admin or Member user account seats, as well as three Guest user account seats.

A screenshot showing number of Admin/Member or Guest Seat Allocations
Viewing seat allocations

To add a user, input the user’s email address and then click ‘Add user’. This will send an invite to this user’s email address and add them to your organisation.

Inviting new users to your organisation

There are three access levels a user can have.

  • Admin (full access): Can add and manage user access. Can create and share evaluations, edit surveys and view reports.
  • Member (standard access): Can create and share evaluations, edit surveys and view reports.
  • Guest (limited access): Can view only (evaluations, surveys and reports) and cannot edit.

Guest accounts are great for giving to people who would like to have access to data collected by your organisation, but without giving them the ability to change anything or access protected data fields.

Admins can change the access levels of other organisation members by selecting the dropdown next to their user name. You can also remove a user from your account. Doing so will create a vacant seat in which you can add another user.

Adjusting user access levels

User Access Roles

The following table displays the access assigned to each user role.

User AccessAdminMemberGuest
View evaluations (individually assigned)✔️✔️✔️
View evaluations (org assigned)✔️✔️✔️
View reports in dashboard✔️✔️✔️
Create evaluations✔️✔️✖️
Share evaluations✔️✔️✖️
Edit reports in dashboard✔️✔️✖️
Edit evaluation share permissions✔️✔️✖️
Create surveys✔️✔️✖️
Edit surveys✔️✔️✖️
View user management page✔️✔️✖️
Change user account permissions✔️✖️✖️
Add new user accounts✔️✖️✖️
User access roles

For more information about account types and evaluation sharing, click here.

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